17 Mar MBA in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Cedarville Ranked in Top 50
Cedarville University’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) in innovation and entrepreneurship is ranked No. 35 of 352 programs according to Intelligent.com.
Cedarville is among two universities in Ohio with its program ranked in the top 50. The other school is Ashland University.
Intelligent.com ranks colleges and university programs, constructs classroom guides backed by research and provides students with resources for their transition from college to the workforce.
In its report, Intelligent.com analyzed program flexibility, faculty, course strength, cost and reputation. With a cost of $623 per credit, Cedarville’s MBA in innovation and entrepreneurship was deemed the most affordable of all the universities assessed.
“Affordability is clearly a priority for students looking to enter an education program, especially given the economic challenges brought on by COVID,” said Dr. John Delano, associate dean of Cedarville’s school of business administration and associate professor of IT management. “We wanted to reduce that barrier to entry, especially for those who are ready to take on innovative and entrepreneurial endeavors.”
The MBA in innovation and entrepreneurship is taught in partnership with the International Center for Creativity (ICC), an innovation education program, working think tank and 3D-design studio based in Columbus, Ohio.
“The program is taught by recognized and practicing innovators with deep track records who are also multi-time entrepreneurs in various industries,” said Jim Stevenson, president and co-founder of ICC.
Students are also given the opportunity to identify opportunities for innovation that can be explored during their program studies.
“When you combine our price point with the quality of the instruction that students receive, all in a completely online, yet personalized experience, I think we provide a compellingly unique package,” said Delano.
To learn more about the MBA in innovation and entrepreneurship program, click here. For information on applying to Cedarville University’s graduate school, click here.